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学校LOGO 11-02
西安翻译学院实验室开放申请表 11-02
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学习通投屏使用说明 10-19
关于公文格式的温馨提示:公文字 05-25

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​Students’ Regulations in Multimedia Classroom
2022-04-27 14:16   公共实验室管理中心

Students should get to the classroom 5 minutes in advance before attending a class and coming in and going out of the classroom by anyone at will during a class is strictly forbidden.

Students are strictly forbidden to operate multimedia teaching facilities without teachers’ permission.

No nibbling between meals, drinking cold drink or littering the floor.

Taking care of public properties and no scribbling on the desks, chairs and walls.

No one is allowed to take the facilities (or accessories) in the multimedia classroom out of the classroom. Anyone violating the rule will be punished in accordance with the University’s relevant regulations.




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